Latest News and Features from Sylvan
March 2022: Inspector rules that proposals for a new motorway service area represent ‘exceptional reasons’ under NPPF paragraph 180c and as such allow compensation measures to be applied to offset effects on ancient woodland
Inspector rules that proposals for a new motorway service area represent ‘exceptional reasons’ under NPPF paragraph 180c and as [...]
February 2022: Veteran tree management plans act as a significant project benefit to be inserted on the positive side of the planning balance
Veteran tree management plans act as a significant project benefit to be inserted on the positive side of the [...]
September 2021 – House of Lords votes for increased protection of ancient woodland under the draft Environment Bill, including the provision of a 50m buffer.
House of Lords votes for increased protection of ancient woodland under the draft Environment Bill, including the provision of [...]
July 2021: The importance of Veteran Tree Management plans
The importance of Veteran Tree Management plans Sylvan is instructed to advise on the management of a population [...]
May 2021: Coventry City Council SPD correctly defines ancient and veteran trees
Coventry City Council SPD correctly defines ancient and veteran trees Coventry City Council’s SPD Trees and Development Guidelines [...]
April 2021: A new report on the State of the UK’s Woods and Trees highlights that just 7 of Britain’s native woodlands are currently in good ecological condition
A new report on the State of the UK’s Woods and Trees highlights that just 7 of Britain’s native [...]
February 2021: Sylvan is advising on veteran tree matters in Gloucestershire
Sylvan is advising on veteran tree matters in Gloucestershire The need for regular update inspection surveys of notable [...]
December 2020: Sussex ancient woodland inventory amended following evidence presented by Sylvan
Sussex ancient woodland inventory amended following evidence presented by Sylvan Sylvan is currently working on a site in [...]
September 2020: Permission granted for high quality tree house development within ancient woodland
Permission granted for high quality tree house development within ancient woodland Sylvan has recently been instructed to provide [...]
August 2020: The Silwood Giant
The Silwood Giant Julian Forbes-Laird writes: Another ancient tree found by Alistair Baxter (pictured) and I… This sweet [...]
July 2020: The Massingberd Beech
The Massingberd Beech Julian Forbes-Laird writes: Alistair (pictured) and I found this ancient beech, which I have dated [...]
May 2020: The Allerston Ash
The Allerston Ash Julian Forbes-Laird writes… Another ancient tree find, this time on the North Yorkshire Moors. This [...]
March 2020: The Tree and the Stone
The Tree and the Stone Julian Forbes-Laird writes… This is one of the ca. 3m oaks at Chatsworth, [...]
January 2020: RAVEN endorsed by Appeal Inspector
RAVEN (Recognition of Ancient, Veteran & Notable Trees) endorsed by Appeal Inspector s “the Sylvan assessment covered all [...]
September 2019: It has been announced that the clearing of ancient woodlands to bring forward the HS2 route will be delayed pending a government review of the scheme.
It has been announced that the clearing of ancient woodlands to bring forward the HS2 route will be delayed [...]
July 2019: Natural England has introduced updated guidance for managing and protecting woodland wildlife.
Natural England has introduced updated guidance for managing and protecting woodland wildlife. New government guidance has been published [...]
May 2019: Ash dieback is predicted to cost £15 billion in Britain
Ash dieback is predicted to cost £15 billion in Britain New research has been published which finds that [...]
April 2019: Ancient Woodland Inventory for England to be updated.
The Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government has awarded a grant of £210,000 to the Woodland Trust as [...]
March 2019: HS2 fund for woodland creation/restoration opens
HS2 fund for woodland creation/restoration opens On 11 March 2019 a new fund opened allowing access funding to [...]
January 2019: Sylvan has been busy working on sites in Kent and Surrey this month (see more…)
Sylvan has been busy working on sites in Kent and Surrey this month. The first woodland vascular plants [...]
Monoxyle Habitat Creation: Provision of vertical standing deadwood habitat from felled or fallen trees
Monoxyle Habitat Creation Deadwood provides important habitat, supporting a diversity of organisms including fungi and bryophytes, as well [...]
RAVEN (Recognition of Ancient, Veteran & Notable Trees)
New tree assessment system from Sylvan Principal Julian Forbes-Laird: RAVEN (Recognition of Ancient, Veteran & Notable Trees) Following [...]