Who we are
Sylvan is a specialist collaboration between Julian Forbes-Laird and Alistair Baxter. Julian and Alistair are at the top of their respective professions within the UK planning system. We have an unrivalled track record of success based on objective assessment, strategic advice and expert representation.

He is a recognized industry leader in the preparation of information to planning applications and is at ease with Planning Appeal procedures. He regularly prepares and presents expert evidence at Public Inquiry.
Alistair is expert in the qualitative ecological assessment of ancient woodlands, veteran trees, traditional orchards, ridge and furrow and other historic landscape features. He holds particular expertise in woodland botany and the interpretation of ancient woodland indicator species. Alistair takes a landscape approach to interpretation and draws upon available historic data sources to deduce past land uses and how these may have supported biodiversity assets. Such historic ecological landscape re-construction often enables past colonisation routes to be identified which may infer potential in respect of vestigial populations of species which could remain. This approach ensures that surveys can be targeted for maximum effectiveness. The assimilation of such evidence allows Alistair to draw conclusions in respect of the interpretation of the likely antiquity of woodlands and other historic landscape features.
Alistair holds particular expertise in the assessment of the effects of air quality on ancient woodlands. He regularly contributes to the emerging thinking in this area and the interpretation of European Court of Justice rulings on the issue.
Alistair is highly experienced in the survey of UK habitats including the full range of ecological designations from those of international importance (SACs/SPAs), national importance (SSSIs) or local importance (Local Wildlife Sites). In addition, Alistair regularly carries out surveys for protected species (eg bats, Dormouse, Great Crested Newts) and obtains mitigation licences from Natural England for project implementation.

Julian has worked in arboriculture since 1990. He attained the Royal Forestry Society’s Professional Diploma in Arboriculture in 2001 (a degree-level equivalent professional qualification), and became a Chartered Arboriculturist in 2003. He was an Arboricultural Association Registered Consultant from 2004 to 2018. In 2007 he was accepted as a Member of the Expert Witness Institute, and in 2013 joined the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors as a Professional Member.
Julian is a Technical Editor for BS5837 (2005 and 2012, which is current). This is the benchmark standard for trees in the planning process, being used for this purpose by applicants, local authorities & the Planning Inspectorate.
Using a multi-disciplinary skillset that includes cartographic interpretation, dendrochronology, remote sensing, and identification & assessment of surface-bearing sylvio-archaeological remains, Julian is an expert at historic landscape deconstruction. He pioneers the use of the Onion Method: peeling back the modern layers in the landscape to reveal its history.
As author of RAVEN (for Recognition of Ancient, Veteran & Notable trees), Julian is an acknowledged authority on the identification of ancient and veteran trees, as well as being an expert in their care and management.
As well as providing internationally-reputed arboricultural consultancy, Julian regularly appears as an expert witness at planning-related Public Inquiries. He is frequently recommended to appellants by many leading members of the Planning Bar.
He also serves as an expert witness in the Civil courts, to High Court level, and appears as an expert in the Magistrates’ and Crown Courts.