What we do
Based on high quality survey and assessment, we provide expert advice and strategic guidance in respect of planning and policy for ancient woodland, veteran trees and historic landscapes. As a result of our wealth of combined experience we offer a new perspective and fresh insight to strategy, design, mitigation and compensation.

The Sylvan Difference
Integrated working allows us to blend surveys from arboriculture and ecology to deliver holistic assessments, imaginative strategic thinking and situation-winning advice. This includes innovative, site-specific design solutions, mitigation programmes and compensation schemes. In combination, this approach unlocks development potential and maps the route to planning success. Through our higher qualifications and greater expertise, we add value out of all proportion to our fees.

Capabilities and services
Specialist Ecological Input
Provided by Aspect Ecology
Woodland compartment mapping and ground flora surveys (of AWIs/AWVPs)
Biodiversity surveys of traditional orchards and ancient/veteran trees
Assessment of air quality effects on ancient woodlands and other sensitive habitat types
Fungal, bryophyte and lichen surveys
Mammal surveys including bats, Badger and Dormice
Breeding bird, amphibian, reptile and invertebrate surveys
Assessments of the biodiversity value and ecological sensitivity of woodlands
Ecological mitigation and enhancement schemes
Visitor access management and monitoring schemes
Habitat creation schemes
Specialist Arboricultural Input
Provided by FLAC
Arboricultural planning strategy
Tree & woodland surveys to BS5837:2012
Dendrochronology of specimen trees and coppice stools
Cartographic regression
Ancient woodland restoration plans
Veteran tree identification & management
GIS analysis & interrogation
Archaeology of the designed landscape
Historic aerial imagery interpretation
Development impact assessment
Tree protection system design