The following case studies illustrate a range of design solutions and analytical approaches which we have applied to a variety of development scenarios in diverse historic landscapes.
Case Studies
Sylvan was instructed to undertake a historic landscape assessment to identify the history of an area of alleged ancient woodland
Stifford Road
This project proposed an access road through ancient woodland to facilitate HGV movements.
Snod Coppice
This scheme involved a proposed expansion of an existing poultry farm, to include two new poultry sheds within part of a designated ancient woodland.
Hermitage Lane
This project involved a proposed access road and boardwalk through ancient woodland to serve a housing development.
Bearwood Park
This project involves design of a landscape restoration scheme within an area of a Grade II* Registered Park and Garden.
Boughton Lane
This project concerned a proposed access to a site allocated for housing through woodland considered by Natural England to be ancient.
Marringdean Road
This project concerned an appeal site proposed for housing adjacent to ancient woodland to north and east.