Bearwood Park Historic Landscape Assessment
This project involves design of a landscape restoration scheme within an area of a Grade II* Registered Park and Garden. The objective of the restoration is to return key areas of the parkland to the moment when the designed landscape was at its peak, considered by Heritage England to be represented by the depiction of the estate on the Epoch 1 map (Ordnance Survey 6 inches to a mile) of 1872.
Our involvement included detailed field work, prior to overlaying our findings both onto a highâresolution aerial photograph, and onto the 1872 map. In addition, we undertook a dendrochronological assessment of the principal trees. The culmination of our analyses was a recommendation for tree retention and removal to restore the landscape to, or close to, its 1872 arboricultural framework. Heritage England have described our findings and recommendations as being both technically sound and eminently sensible.